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She was his little sister, he just couldn't stand the thought of her being with another stallion, least the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. She must be under some type of mind control! How could Twilight Sparkle even think of marrying Discord? Shining Armor would not stand with his hooves crossed while his sister ruined her life, he would do anything to break her free of the "spell". But is she really being controlled, or he is simply jealous?

Chapters (8)

AU in where Twilight is a dragon but still is Princess Celestia's student. Twilight has a more logical head on her shoulders and takes her job as a caretaker to Spike more seriously than canon.

motherly!Twilight, manipulative!Celestia

Idea sparked from Winter Quill's stories Growing Up With Scales and Sparkles and Scales

Cover art courtesy of Majestickfire9

Not Beta'ed, all mistakes my own. Don't like? Don't read. Cross-posted on ff.net under PlutoMilo

Now being rewritten: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/533926/the-element-of-magic

Chapters (46)

Wings. A title. Responsibilities. A relationship with Luna.

Twilight Sparkle has gotten used to a lot of things since becoming a princess. But there is still more out there for her to learn. Most especially in regards to her marefriend.

Originally published as "A Mere Tiff" for the January 2015 writeoff, "All In", where it placed 47th out of 93 entries. Featured by You Might Like this!

Reading by Scribbler and Animelodie!

Chapters (1)

This story is an alternate version of events in the Episode "Appleloosa's Most Wanted"

Trouble Shoes has been living a miserable life as a clumsy oaf who can't land a job and is forced to trade his own possessions for basic necessities. But his entire life changed after taking a dip in an enchanted mirror pool that changed his cutie mark but swapped his gender. The Clydesdale hesitates to accept this new reality but quickly learns his new cutie marks him the luckiest pony in Equestria. Not only that, his dreams of becoming a Rodeo Star can now finally be achieved. However, there are unattended consequences to Trouble Shoes' new luck as he learns and will have to see how much he's willing to pay to keep this new life.

Cover Artist: Pridark

Chapters (9)

Twilight had reached her peak, she was at the happiest point in her young life. The day of her coronation as Equestria's newest princess had finally arrived. Then the unthinkable happened, Sombra appears in the throne room alive and well demanding his chance to be reformed by pony society. The unthinkable happens again, when his wish is granted, spearheaded by none other than Princess Twilight herself. Will Sombra's nefarious plans bring her to ruin, or will she succeed against all odds? Only time can tell as it reminds them both that plans have a way of changing all on their own.

Chapters (16)

During the daily ritual to lower the sun to raise the moon, Princesses Celestia and Luna have their abilities locked. At the same time, a new, yet familiar, alicorn crashes into the throne room of the castle.

This is the second Friendship is Magic fic I've written, though I've tried some new things this time around. In my head, it does come after my first fic and my as-of-now unwritten second fic, though I think it can be stand-alone just fine. It doesn't really refer to the events of "The Party's Loyalty," and while it does make one offhand comment in regards to the second one I originally planned, I think it can be safely read without knowing much.

Cover image is from http://ztoonlinkz.deviantart.com/art/Comic-A-Look-To-The-Future-289305977

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash's newest trick backfires spectacularly, she and Fluttershy find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. Together, they'll have to survive and find their way back to Equestria and Ponyville...no matter how far the journey.

Now with a Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-1-3-857109863

(Originally submitted to Equestria Daily)
Art by katwalk.

Chapters (3)
by Resda

I am Twilight Sparkle. Newly crowned Princess of Equestria. Element of Magic. Student of the magic of friendship under the tutelage of Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.

Female. Lavender in the coat, indigo in the mane, with purple and pink stripes. Razor straight mane cut, with a little bit of a flip... shimmering ethereal mane and tail possibly pending. Large wings, lavender, barely used.

Beloved daughter of a scientist and a stargazer. Sister to the Captain of the Royal Guard. Sister-in-law to an Empress.

Best friend to five ponies plus one dragon in Ponyville.

Or am I?

Chapters (12)

Cover art from HERE

Idea given to me by Night--Mist

Twilight Velvet and Night Light leave on a week-long vacation, arranging for Princess Cadance to foalsit filly Twilight. Things start out alright at first, but when Twilight asks about an odd spell she found outside a bookstore that had been shutdown, Cadance tries to stop her.

In trying to get the book away from the young filly, however, their magics collide and Twilight vanishes... but Cadance's belly has suddenly bloated out.

Cadance now has to face an unexpected turn in her life, one Celestia was NOT expecting either.

sex tag for sexual references. might change it down to everyone later depending on how people feel.

Wait, seriously? Featured already 9-11/10/2020?

I mean, I'm not complaining but... I did NOT see that coming.

Chapters (2)

The exam for Celestia's school was postponed due to an incident, and gave Twilight more time to research the exam. Cadence took her to the Royal Archives to look for a spell after Twilight found a passage in a book that said seventy percent of the tests required the testee to hatch an egg. While looking she found a spell to make Cadence and her real family. Unfortunately while the exam was postponed, that didn't stop the Sonic Rainboom from happening and making Twilight surge as she cast the spell, placing her in Cadence's womb as her new daughter, as well as draining some magic from Princess Luna still trapped in the moon, making her the new father. How will this affect Equestria. And will the upcoming threats still be stopped.

This story was inspired by the story...Full of Love by Autum Breeze which gave me the idea for a story where a spell accident causes Cadence to be Twilight's new mother. though unlike the story that gave me the idea, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Twilight's parents wouldnt know what happened until Discord at the earliest. Though like the story it will start before Nightmare Moon.

Disclaimer for the whole story...I do not own My Little Pony.

Chapters (9)